300th Boba Fett
Although this is probably THE best sculpt of any figure, I was a little disappointed with the articulation. This figure was good for only one pose. I lucked out and found a case of these figure when they first came out. Not wanting to horde them to myself, I only bought one day; giving anyone the chance to come by and grab some up. And for those who will ask, no I did not hide any of them either. So, by the end of the week I had 7 or 8 Fetts. I kept 2 (one for keeps as is, and one to customize) all the others I traded online for figures I didn't have.

Now to the custom. I heated up the arms with a blow dryer, once the arms were soft I popped them out of their sockets. I cut the left arm off where the socket joint is on the right arm. I then dremeled out a socket both upper arms and in the right gauntlet. I took the arms from a Corps figure and cut them off just above the swivel articulation. I dremeled down the upper arms of the Corps figure so that they would fit inside the sockets of the Fett upper arms (just like on my other Fett custom). I also trimmed down the forearms of the Corps arms to fit inside the gauntlets of Fett.

On the left arm I dremeled a small hole in the forearm of the Corps arms, so that, I could glue the peg from Fett to retain the swivel articulation of the left gauntlet. On the right arm, I glued the gauntlet on the forearm turned just a bit, so that when you turn his arms to hold the gun with both hands, his arms are in the pose of the 300th Fett. Once the pieces were glued together, I mixed some grey to match Fett's suit, and then painted the
elbows from the Corps figure. The arms may look to be a bit long, but take into consideration that Boba Fett is standing in a crouched position. Also the arms are just about the same length as any other Star Wars figure.

I thought about adding knee articulation like on my previous Boba Fett custom, but I was worried I would mess up the pistol holster, so I just decided against it.