
This is my favorite droid! He is made from an Ep.1 booster rocket R2. I cut off the boosters and the head. R4's head is made from part of a bucket from a concrete truck toy I picked up at a Dollar Tree store. I cut the eyeport out and glued it to the cone head. I then glued a small box from the top of super glue lid to the top of the cone, and glued the small holo port onto it. I added black Sculpey to the top of the head to smooth everything out. I spray-painted the head and then painted the top and holoport black, and added the black lines to the head and body. I used the Action Figures Archive book for reference on this figure. There are two stripes on the front of the dome, one on each side of the head (above each leg), and one on the back. The body also has two stripes in front and one on back. After the paint dried I glued the head to the R2 body. The head does turn. UPDATE I was going to totally redo this figure. I got a second R2-D2 w/ holo Leia from my friend J.D. and was going to use that body for my custom. I also found the perfect object to use for the head. It is Matchbox toy number 96 (I think that is the right number). It is a cement truck, and half of the barrel is perfect for an R4 head. The carded vehicle comes with a red barrel, but you can find a four pack of vehicles that comes with a cement truck with a white barrel. Well, I procrastinated long enough for Hasbro to announce that they were coming out with R4-M9, so there is no reason for me to make another (and theirs looks great!). Since I have the barrel cut off and the R2 head cut off the body, I will still make another R4 droid, but not R4-M9

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